Hoher Wirkungsgrad

Induktions Rinnenöfen

Flexibel schmelzen

Induktions Tiegelöfen

Vom Span zur Schmelze

Produktiv und sauber

+49 (0) 23 71 43 46 0
Am Großen Teich 27
58640 Iserlohn

Furnaces for research and development

We provide you with tailor-made solutions for applications in research and development. Smaller induction furnaces are usually used here. These are equipped with graphite or ceramic crucibles so that a variety of alloys can be melted and stored in them. Typical furnace designs are classic hydraulically or electrically tiltable crucible furnaces, bell-type crucible furnaces or push-out furnaces. Furnaces in which either graphite or ceramic crucibles are used are also possible.

The induction furnaces each consist of a water-cooled copper coil with a refractory lining on the inside. The coil is installed in a steel housing and the housing is insulated as best as possible to keep losses low. Water recooling systems, including those with chillers or air/water coolers, are used to cool the furnace coils.

The frequency of the furnaces is designed according to the crucible materials, furnace sizes and furnace outputs used. They have the greatest possible electrical efficiency and do not generate any heating-related emissions. Our scope of supply includes either furnace lids or furnace hoods that can be moved manually, electrically or hydraulically, furnace weighing devices and refractory-lined metal drip pans for positioning under the furnaces. The power electronics are IGBT transistor converters, which are developed and manufactured at IAS. The furnace controls contain proven Siemens SPS and OP components. 


5 kg - 100 kg
5 kW - 100 kW
Stahl, Kupfer, Messing, Aluminium, Magnesium, Zink, Gusseisen, Zink
Gusseisen, Kupfer, Aluminium, Sonderstahl

Key Features

flexible Ofengrößen
schnelles Schmelzen
geringe Ofenverluste
guter Berührungsschutz
Schmelzen verschiedener Metalle möglich
geringe Emissionen

Your contact person

Wilfried Spitz

Vertrieb Schmelzen


+49 (0) 2371 4346-85 e-mail