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Vom Span zur Schmelze

Produktiv und sauber

+49 (0) 23 71 43 46 0
Am Großen Teich 27
58640 Iserlohn

Vacuum Melting Furnace

The MetalLine vacuum melting furnaces are used for melting, storing and superheating molten metal. They are usually built into vacuum tanks of vacuum casting systems or powder atomisation systems. In the vacuum boiler, the melting furnaces transfer the overheated melt into a pouring tundish. IAS also offers combined melting-casting furnaces, in which the superheated melt flows directly from the bottom of the melting furnace into the pouring nozzle of the powder atomisation chamber. 

Operation under vacuum places special requires on the furnace systems with regard to the tightness of cable bushings in the vacuum tank, precise pouring into the casting tundish, high melt temperatures and also the power electrics due to high current densities. The vacuum furnaces consist of refractory lined induction crucible furnaces in a special design. In addition to the furnaces, IAS also supplies suitable charging systems and systems for monitoring the temperature of the melt and monitoring the bath level in the casting tundish.

The power electronics are IGBT transistor converters, which are developed and manufactured at IAS.


30 kg - 500 kg
50 kW - 500 kW
Stahl, Spezialstahl, Kupfer
Kupfer, Stahl

Key Features

homogene Schmelze
hohe, homogene Schmelztemperatur
hohe Vakuumdichtheit
präzises Abgießen in den Tundish
für Vakuumguß und Pulververdüsungsanlagen
geringe Emissionen

Your contact person

Wilfried Spitz

Vertrieb Schmelzen


+49 (0) 2371 4346-85 e-mail