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Vom Span zur Schmelze

Produktiv und sauber

+49 (0) 23 71 43 46 0
Am Großen Teich 27
58640 Iserlohn

Aluminium Tank Melting Furnace

The MetalLine aluminium tank furnaces are primarily used for melting pure aluminium but also aluminium-silicon alloys. The aluminium base melt is usually transferred to a casting furnace, where it is alloyed and cast.  The furnace consists of a trough-shaped steel vessel with a refractory lining on the inside. It can be designed to be tiltable or stationary. The furnace can also be supported with weighing cells so that its contents can be shown on the display at any time. The liquid aluminium is pumped from the stationary furnace into the downstream casting furnace. More often, however, the furnace is rotated in order to transfer the melt via the side furnace mouth into the feed chutes of ingot casters or into the pouring furnace of a continuous caster. Due to the design of the furnace and its thick refractory lining, it can cost-effectively melt large quantities of molten aluminium and keep it warm. Degassing of the melt in the furnace vessel via impellers is also possible. The furnace is charged from above via a hydraulically hinged furnace cover or by opening a hood on the furnace.  The furnace is used when the customer does not have gas available for melting. It is also an ecologically sensible alternative to gas-heated melting furnaces, since inductive heating does not generate any CO2 emissions.

The furnace is optionally heated with 2-4 channel inductors or crucible inductors. Furnaces heated with a crucible inductor are easier to clean and can be completely emptied. The power electronics are IGBT transistor converters, which are developed and manufactured at IAS. Conventional power electronics with step transformers can also be offered. The aluminium melt is protected against gas absorption from the surrounding atmosphere by the furnace cover or the attached hood. The bath mixing created by the inductors within the melt creates homogeneous melts and melt temperatures over the entire melting, storage or pouring time. When heating with crucible inductors, the melt can also be alloyed with silicon or other metals, for example, due to the good mixing of the bath and the relatively long inductor service life.



2 t - 80 t
800 kW - 4000 kW

Key Features

effektives, induktives Schmelzen
konstante, homogene Schmelztemperatur
geringe Emissionen
Beaufschlagung mit Inertgas möglich
für Ingot-Gießanlagen und Horizontal-/ oder Vertikalstranggießanlagen

Your contact person

Wilfried Spitz

Vertrieb Schmelzen


+49 (0) 2371 4346-85 e-mail