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Induktions Tiegelöfen

Vom Span zur Schmelze

Produktiv und sauber

+49 (0) 23 71 43 46 0
Am Großen Teich 27
58640 Iserlohn

Tin Melting Furnace

The MetalLine tin furnaces are used to melt, store, keep warm and superheat tin. Usually, tin is melted in steel tanks with burner systems heated by fossil fuels. However, since these systems generate high emissions, react very slowly to metal temperature fluctuations and have a very low energy efficiency, they are increasingly being replaced by inductive heating systems.

The induction furnaces for melting tin consist of steel tanks around which an induction coil is placed. The induction coil heats up the steel tank on the one hand, but above all the tin inside the pan. The steel tank and induction coil are installed in insulated steel housing to ensure protection against accidental contact and the best possible heat insulation. The steel tanks can be covered with hydraulically or pneumatically operated furnace lids.

The furnaces have a very high electrical efficiency and do not generate any heating-related emissions. They can also be used as combined melting/casting furnaces. Our scope of supply optionally includes suitable charging systems, metal bath level measurements and metal temperature measurements.  The power electronics are IGBT transistor converters, which are developed and manufactured at IAS. Conventional power electronics with step transformers can also be offered. The furnace controls contain proven Siemens SPS and OP components. 


3 t - 40 t
100 kW - 2000 kW

Key Features

homogenes Schmelzen
konstante, homogene Schmelztemperatur
geringe Ofenverluste
schnelles Schmelzen
hohe Schmelzleistung
geringe Emissionen

Your contact person

Wilfried Spitz

Vertrieb Schmelzen


+49 (0) 2371 4346-85 e-mail