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Induktions Tiegelöfen

Vom Span zur Schmelze

Produktiv und sauber

+49 (0) 23 71 43 46 0
Am Großen Teich 27
58640 Iserlohn

Drum Type Induction Furnace

The MetalLine drum type induction furnace are used to melt, store, keep warm and superheat low-oxygen copper. They are usually positioned as a buffer between the shaft melting furnace and the casting plant. However, they can also be used as an alternative to the shaft furnace for melting copper cathodes and high-purity copper scrap.

The furnace consists of a steel drum with a refractory lining on the inside, which is positioned on a rotary frame. The rotary frame can be

The furnace consists of a steel drum with a refractory lining on the inside, which is positioned on a rotary frame. The rotary frame can be mounted on weighing cells to record the contents of the furnace. Due to the design of the furnace and a siphon system in the refractory lining, the tempered copper melt is transferred through a central outlet of the drum into the pouring furnace of the continuous caster. The furnace is charged either with liquid copper from the upstream shaft melting furnace or with cathode packs and pure copper scrap via a flap in the upper drum wall. The furnace is optionally heated with a channel inductor or crucible inductor.

The power electronics are IGBT transistor converters, which are developed and manufactured at IAS. Conventional power electronics with step transformers can also be offered. The closed furnace drum protects the copper melt against gas absorption from the surrounding atmosphere. The bath mixing created by the inductors within the melt creates a deoxidising effect with the charcoal layer on the melt. In addition to this passive melt metallurgy, neutral or deoxidising gas can be actively introduced into the melt via ground blow stones. 



15t - 80 t
400 kW - 8000 kW
Kupfer (OF, DHP, ETP)

Key Features

homogene Schmelze
konstante, homogene Schmelztemperatur
geringe Ofenverluste
aktive und passive Metallbehandlung
für Vertikalstrangguss oder Kupferdrahtproduktion
geringe Emissionen

Your contact person

Wilfried Spitz

Vertrieb Schmelzen


+49 (0) 2371 4346-85 e-mail